Filtering by: Readings & Talks
Living Legacy: An Evening with the Ashley Bryan Fellows
6:30 PM18:30

Living Legacy: An Evening with the Ashley Bryan Fellows

LORE is a space for the BIPOC community to connect, create, and collaborate.

In honor of the priceless and intangible legacy left to us by the beloved ancestor Ashley Bryan (left) and upheld by so many BIPOC creatives, our next LORE event will be a reading and discussion, cohosted by our partners at Mechanics Hall and featuring (clockwise from top left) , Alex (Johan Alexander), Liz Iversen, Coco McCracken and Leila Christine Nadir. These Fellows will be sharing their original writing with us and connecting with each other and with our community though conversation about their work and approaches to writing in these uncertain times.

Please note: This event is open to the public, and all who celebrate our diverse creative community are welcome and invited to attend. Doors open at 6pm.

This event is free of charge with donations accepted. However, seating is limited, and we ask that you RSVP by clicking on the button below.

For more about the Ashley Bryan Fellowship Program, please find our history and values statement.

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Maine Literary Awards Ceremony
7:00 PM19:00

Maine Literary Awards Ceremony

Please join the MWPA for our favorite night of the year, a community celebration of great writers and publishers from all over Maine. We will laugh, cry, and applaud excellent work from the last year. We are excited to bring the awards back to the Bangor Area for the first time since 2019. Special guests will help announce this year’s winners as we celebrate talented writers, editors, and literary professionals.

Doors open at 6 PM for a reception with snacks and a cash bar; the ceremony begins at 7 PM. Finalist books will be for sale.

The event is free, but we ask that you RSVP by clicking the orange button below. Seating is limited. If you would like to make a suggested ticket donation, we appreciate it!

To to attend online, please click the yellow button below to register for the Zoom link.

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A Celebration of Write ME
7:00 PM19:00

A Celebration of Write ME

Please join the MWPA and Maine Poet Laureate Julia Bouwsma for a celebration of the Write ME project!

With support from the MWPA, the Maine Arts Commission, The Telling Room, and many public libraries and organizations around Maine, and funding from the Academy of American Poets and the Mellon Foundation, Julia Bouwsma created Write ME, a Maine-wide epistolary poetry project that 1) introduced the form through a series of 23 free public workshops across the state during the fall and early winter of 2024 and then 2) paired up hundreds of participating individuals as “poetry pen pals” to communicate with one another during the winter.

This project brought together people in different parts of Maine to exchange letter poems. This project was open to anyone in Maine (or connected to the state) ages 18 and up, with additional youth participation happening through The Telling Room, the Monson Arts High School Program, and assorted Maine high school teachers.

Now we’ll gather together, both virtually and in person, to celebrate the project, hear from people who exchanged poems, and celebrate the power of poetry to connect us all.

A free reception will begin at 6 PM. More event details to be announced.

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Poetry Reading: CALLED BACK by Rosa Lane (with Betsy Sholl)
7:00 PM19:00

Poetry Reading: CALLED BACK by Rosa Lane (with Betsy Sholl)

Please join MWPA and Longfellow Books for a special event with Rosa Lane, who will be reading from her 4th poetry collection, Called Back, a sequence of poems written in theatrical monologue in queer conversation with Emily Dickinson. Called Back, a title representing the last two words Dickinson wrote, may be considered a "docudrama" of sorts in poetic form and is based on most recent research by scholars bringing the LGBTQ significance of Dickinson to light. Lane's intensive 5-year odyssey with Dickinson extended through the pandemic.

Called Back (Tupelo Press, 2024) is praised by poet Adrian Blevins as a "radical homage [to Dickinson]...that gives back the 'Feral / utterances' Lane suggests her circumstances and time in history forbade her."

For more info and/or to purchase Called Back at Longfellow, click HERE.

Rosa Lane, poet and architect, was raised in coastal Maine as the daughter of a lobsterman. She is the author of four poetry collections including Called Back (Tupelo Press, 2024), Chouteau's Chalk (U. of Georgia Press, 2019, winner of the Georgia Poetry Prize); Tiller North (Sixteen Rivers Press, 2016, winner of the 2017 National Indie Excellence Book Award); and Roots and Reckonings, a chapbook, (published by Granite Press East with a grant from Maine Arts Commission). Lane's most recent work was named Best of Poetry for the 2024 Geminga Prize, winner of the 2023 Morton Marcus Memorial Poetry Prize, and selected finalist for the 2023 Gregory O'Donoghue International Poetry Prize (Cork, Ireland) among other awards. Her work has appeared in the Asheville Poetry Review, Five Points, Nimrod, Massachusetts Review, Ploughshares, RHINO, Third Coast, and elsewhere. She lives in South Portland with her wife. Website:

Free event no RSVP.

Betsy Sholl’s tenth collection of poetry was As If a Song Could Save You (University of Wisconsin Press in fall of 2022). Her ninth collection of poetry was House of Sparrows: New and Selected Poems (University of Wisconsin, 2019), winner of the Four Lakes Prize. Other awards include a Maine Book Award for Poetry, The Felix Pollak Prize, the AWP Prize for Poetry, an NEA Fellowship. She teaches in the MFA in Writing Program of Vermont College of Fine Arts and served as Poet Laureate of Maine from 2006 to 2011. She was awarded the 2020 Distinguished Achievement Award from Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance, and received an honorary doctorate from the University of Southern Maine in 2022. 

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Come As You Are: A Community Resistance Event
7:00 PM19:00

Come As You Are: A Community Resistance Event

One way of resisting the cruelty and chaos of the current moment is to gather, process what’s happening, and identify actions we can take to protect the people and values integral to our communities.

Please join MWPA, SPACE, partners, and friends for an evening of expression, reflection, and activism, featuring short readings by writers and community leaders and information from local organizations on what you can do right now.

Featured readers:

Samaa Abdurraqib, Dania Bowie, Brandon Ying Kit Boey, Michael Colbert, Chelsea Conaboy, Samara Cole Doyon, Nick Fuller Googins, Jessi Holleran, Rylan Hynes, Abdi Nor Iftin, Reza Jalali, Jennifer Lunden, Hannah Matthews, Signature Mimi, Coco McCracken, Molly Curren Rowles, Sampson Spadafore, & Phuc Tran.

Information tables:

$5 general admission/Limited free community ticket

Doors open at 6:30 PM/Readings begin at 7:00 PM.

Drinks, snacks, and community. Tears and laughter welcome!

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7:00 PM19:00

Alive to This Celebration & Reading

Please join MWPA, Littoral Books, and Back Cove Books in celebrating the publication of Alive to This: Essays on Living Fully by 20 Maine Writers. Ten of the contributors will be on hand to read from their essays and discuss the creation of this collection. These include the editors Kara Douglas and Erin O’Mara and writers Nicole d’Entremont, Kerem Durdag, Gibson Fay-LeBlanc, Ben Jacks, Reza Jalali, Kate Kennedy, Dave Patterson and Kathleen Sullivan. Refreshments, easy parking, good conversation, beautiful books. A great way to begin 2025!

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Portland Greendrinks Features MWPA
5:30 PM17:30

Portland Greendrinks Features MWPA

Portland Greendrinks will hold its November gathering at Mechanics’ Hall, and MWPA is the featured nonprofit! If you don’t know Greendrinks, they note, “The goal of Greendrinks is pretty simple: good times shared among people working in, or interested in, environmental and sustainability issues. Portland Greendrinks is a project of the Maine-based non-profit, Triceratops Group, started by Elliott May in 2007/2008.”

Here is the Important  Information: ​​​​

  • Register for the event!

  • 21+ Event

  • Bring Your ID

  • $10 with vessel

  • Please leave your pups at home

  • Babies are welcome as long as they are worn

  • Please be kind and respectful to all of your fellow Greendrinkers!

  • Be kind, respectful, and make sure to say hi to someone you don't know!

The Beverage Partners for this event include:

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Maine Chapbook Series Launch Party & Reading
7:00 PM19:00

Maine Chapbook Series Launch Party & Reading

Please join the MWPA and three previous chapbook winners, Zanne Langlois, Brandon Dudley, and Coco McCracken, for a reading and celebration of Aliza Dube’s The Dependents. Award-winning fiction writer Manuel Gonzales chose Aliza Dube’s The Dependents as the winner of the 2023 Maine Chapbook Series in fiction, and now the book is in print thanks to editing and design help from Pink Eraser Press.

Gonzales writes that Dube “writes nimbly, offering the reader simple and readable yet wrenching sentences, complex characters that shift in and out of view from one story to the next, and that move us inexorably through disappointment, regret, hope, love, and time.”

Zanne Langlois chapbook Bright Glint Gone was chosen by award-winning poet Martha Collins in 2019. Brandon Dudley’s Hazards of Nature was chosen by award-winning novelist Sigrid Nunez in 2020. Coco McCracken’s The Rabbit was chosen by award-winning memoirist Melissa Febos in 2021. Copies of all of these will be for sale.

Aliza Dube graduated from the University of Maine at Farmington with a degree in Creative Writing in 2018. After graduation, she married and became an Army wife in the Midwest. On post, she found herself in a world of fascinating characters and irreconcilable contradictions. The people she met and the places she visited would have a lasting impact on her work. She is currently a student in the University of Southern Maine’s Stonecoast MFA program in creative writing. She is the author of the memoir The Newly Tattooed’s Guide to Aftercare (2020). She strives to tell stories for people like her who grew up struggling to find characters like themselves in books.

Brandon Dudley’s chapbook Hazards of Nature: Stories was selected by National Book Award winner Sigrid Nunez for the 2020 Maine Chapbook Series. Dudley is a graduate of the MFA program at Sierra Nevada University, where he was managing editor of the Sierra Nevada Review. His short fiction has won a Maine Literary Award and been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His stories, essays, interviews and criticism have appeared or are forthcoming in New South, The Millions, The Forge, Fiction Writers Review, and others. A former journalist, he now teaches high school English in Brunswick, where he lives with his wife and two sons.

Suzanne Langlois’s chapbook Bright Glint Gone was chosen by award-winning poet Martha Collins as the winner of the 2019 Maine Chapbook Series. Her poems have appeared in The Maine Review, NAILED Magazine, Cider Press Review, The Fourth River, Off The Coast, Rattle, and on the Button Poetry channel. Her work has been nominated for Best of the Net, Independent Best American Poetry, and the Pushcart Prize. She holds a BA in English from Tufts University, an Ed.M. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and an MFA from Warren Wilson College. She lives in Portland and teaches high school English in Falmouth.

Coco McCracken is a Chinese-Canadian author and writer living in Portland, Maine. Her chapbook, The Rabbit, was selected by bestselling author Melissa Febos as the winner of the Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance’s 2021 Maine Chapbook Series. She was the recipient of a 2022 Ashley Bryan Fellowship. She was named a Lit Fest Fellow by the MWPA, in which capacity she helped organize the state’s first inaugural Maine Lit Fest. She also serves on the Community Advisory Board for the MWPA. She was accepted for a residency for the 2022 summer season at Hewnoaks, where she was additionally awarded a grant from the Maine Arts Commission to complete her first manuscript. In 2023, she was chosen to be on the jury for the Maine Literary Awards. Her work has been featured in Wirecutter’s (The New York Times) Baby + Kid Section, Maine Magazine, and Copy Mag, among others.

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Juneteenth: Poems of Reckoning & Resilience
2:00 PM14:00

Juneteenth: Poems of Reckoning & Resilience

Please join the MWPA and the Portland Museum of Art as we honor the legacy and ongoing transformative force of Black America’s creativity, transcendency, and liberation in a Juneteenth poetry reading. Two well-loved local poets and Ashley Bryan Fellows, Bates College Professor Ian-Khara Ellasante and Portland’s Poet Laureate Maya Williams, will share their wisdom and wonder, and then our featured poet Nathan McClain will share his unflinching and lyrical work.

Multi-award winning poet John Murillo says, "Nathan McClain's Previously Owned is no-nonsense, meat and potatoes, good gotdam poetry,” and Publisher Weekly calls McClain’s first book, Scale, “atmospheric and graceful in its depiction of the steady ache that comes when absence permeates a life.”

The reading is free and will take place in the Great Hall at the Portland Museum of Art.

Nathan McClain is a poet, editor, and educator living in Amherst, Massachusetts. He is the author of Scale (Four Way Books, 2017) and Previously Owned (Four Way Books, 2022), and his poems and prose have recently appeared, or are forthcoming, in Poetry Northwest, Green Mountains Review, Poem-a-Day, The Common, The Critical Flame, and upstreet, among others. He is Assistant Professor of Creative Writing and African American Literary Arts at Hampshire College, and serves as Poetry Editor of The Massachusetts Review.

Maya Williams (ey/em, they/them, and she/her) is a religious Black multiracial nonbinary suicide survivor who is currently an Ashley Bryan Fellow and the seventh Poet Laureate of Portland, Maine . Maya's debut poetry collection, Judas & Suicide, is available through Game Over Books. And Maya's second poetry collection, Refused a Second Date, is available through Harbor Editions. She graduated with a community practice-focused Masters in Social Work and Certificate in Applied Arts and Social Justice at the University of New England in May 2018. She graduated with a Masters in Fine Arts for Creative Writing with a Focus in Poetry at Randolph College in June 2022.

Ian-Khara Ellasante (they/them) is a Black, queer, trans-nonbinary parent, partner, poet, and cultural studies scholar. Ian-Khara’s poetry has been published in We Want It All: An Anthology of Radical Trans PoeticsPipe WrenchThe Feminist WireNat. BrutHinchas de PoesíaThe VoltaWriting the Land: Maine, and From Root to Seed: Black, Brown, and Indigenous Writers Write the Northeast (forthcoming). Ian-Khara is a VONA alum whose awards and honors include the 2023 Cave Canem Fellowship, the New Millennium Award for Poetry, the Ashley Bryan Fellowship, and the Point Foundation Scholarship. Their critical writing, including the essay “Dear Trans Studies, Can You Do Love?,” has appeared in Transgender Studies QuarterlyEthnic and Racial Studies, and Families in Society. Proudly hailing from Memphis, Ian-Khara has also loved living and writing in Tucson, Brooklyn, and most recently, in southern Maine, where they teach Gender and Sexuality Studies and Africana at Bates College. 

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5:00 PM17:00

An Evening of Crime (Writing)!

Please join the MWPA on the opening night of the Maine Crime Wave! Doors open at 5 PM with free appetizers, a cash bar, and book signing. At 5:45 PM, we will give this year’s Maine CrimeMaster Award to NYT Bestselling Author Michael Koryta, followed by a conversation between Koryta and book reviewer Katrina Niidas Holm.

At 7 PM, we will host a Two Minutes in the Slammer reading. A fabulous group of Maine crime writers will each share rip-roaring two minute samples of their work. Crime writer Zakariah Johnson will MC the reading.

These events all take place on the 7th floor of the Glickman Family Library. Parking is available for free on neighborhood streets a few minutes walk away or for $4/hr in the USM Parking Garage at 88 Bedford St.

This is a free event, and we ask that you please RSVP and save your seat by clicking on the orange button.

To register for the full Maine Crime Wave on Saturday, June 15 with panels, workshops book signings, conversations, and more happening from 9 AM to 5 PM, please go to the Maine Crime Wave page.

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Maine Literary Awards Ceremony
6:00 PM18:00

Maine Literary Awards Ceremony

Please join the MWPA for our favorite night of the year, a community celebration of great writing and writers from all over Maine. We will laugh, cry, and applaud excellent Maine writing from the last year!

Doors open at 6 PM for a reception with snacks and a cash bar; the ceremony begins at 7 PM.

Finalist books will be for sale.

The event is free, but we ask that you RSVP if you are able to join us in person because seating is limited. If you would like to make a suggested ticket donation, we appreciate it!

To to attend online, please click below to register for the Zoom link.

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Erik Larson Book Launch & Conversation with Richard Russo
7:00 PM19:00

Erik Larson Book Launch & Conversation with Richard Russo

Join Print: A Bookstore and the MWPA (Maine Writers' and Publishers' Alliance) for a very special event celebrating bestselling author Erik Larson's newest book, The Demon of Unrest: A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War in conversation with Richard Russo at Stevens Square Community Center on Monday, May 20th, at 7 PM.

Larson, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Splendid and the Vile brings to life the pivotal five months between the election of Abraham Lincoln and the start of the Civil War—a simmering crisis that finally tore a deeply divided nation in two. The Demon of Unrest has been named a Most Anticipated Book of the Year by Time, Men’s Health, and Lit Hub.

Tickets are required. Each ticket is $40 and will include 1 general admission seat at the event, and 1 copy of The Demon of Unrest. Every attendee needs their own ticket. There will be no admittance without a ticket.

Erik Larson is the author of six national bestsellers: The Splendid and the Vile, Dead Wake, In the Garden of Beasts, Thunderstruck, The Devil in the White City, and Isaac's Storm, which have collectively sold more than ten million copies. His books have been published in nearly twenty countries.

Richard Russo is the author of ten novels, most recently Somebody’s Fool, Everybody’s Fool and Chances Are…; two collections of stories; and the memoir Elsewhere. In 2002 he received the Pulitzer Prize for Empire Falls, which, like Nobody’s Fool, was adapted into a multiple-award-winning miniseries; in 2017, he received France’s Grand Prix de Littérature Américaine. He lives in Port­land.

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Living Legacy: A Conversation with the Ashley Bryan Fellows
11:00 AM11:00

Living Legacy: A Conversation with the Ashley Bryan Fellows

Please note: This event has been postponed until next week due to reports of messy commutes in the Portland area and throughout the state. If you have signed up for this event, you should receive updates via email. You can also check back in here and on social media for more details to come. We apologize for the frustration and disappointment of this last-minute decision. We just want everyone to stay safe.

LORE is a space for the BIPOC community to connect, create, and collaborate.

In honor of the priceless and intangible legacy left to us by the beloved ancestor Ashley Bryan (left) and upheld by so many BIPOC creatives, our next LORE event will be a reading and discussion, cohosted by our partners at Indigo Arts Alliance and featuring (clockwise from top left) Dania Bowie, Kendric Chua, Liz Iversen, Minquansis Sapiel, and Stacey Tran. These Fellows will be sharing their original writing with us and connecting with each other and with our community though conversation about their work and approaches to writing in these uncertain times.

Please note: This event is open to the public, and all who celebrate our diverse creative community are welcome and invited to attend.

This event is free to the public, but seating is limited, and we ask that you RSVP by clicking on the button below.

For more about the Ashley Bryan Fellowship Program, please find our history and values statement.

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Living Legacy: A Conversation with the Ashley Bryan Fellows
11:00 AM11:00

Living Legacy: A Conversation with the Ashley Bryan Fellows


Please note: This event has been postponed until next week due to reports of messy commutes in the Portland area and throughout the state. If you have signed up for this event, you should receive updates via email. You can also check back in here and on social media for more details to come. We apologize for the frustration and disappointment of this last-minute decision. We just want everyone to stay safe.

LORE is a space for the BIPOC community to connect, create, and collaborate.

In honor of the priceless and intangible legacy left to us by the beloved ancestor Ashley Bryan (left) and upheld by so many BIPOC creatives, our next LORE event will be a reading and discussion, cohosted by our partners at Indigo Arts Alliance and featuring (clockwise from top left) Dania Bowie, Kendric Chua, Liz Iversen, Johan Alexander F, Minquansis Sapiel, and Stacey Tran. These Fellows will be sharing their original writing with us and connecting with each other and with our community though conversation about their work and approaches to writing in these uncertain times.

Please note: This event is open to the public, and all who celebrate our diverse creative community are welcome and invited to attend.

This event is free to the public, but seating is limited, and we ask that you RSVP by clicking on the button below.

For more about the Ashley Bryan Fellowship Program, please find our history and values statement.

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The Poetry of Winter: Book Launch for Mike Bove’s EYE
6:00 PM18:00

The Poetry of Winter: Book Launch for Mike Bove’s EYE

Please join Print: A Bookstore, MWPA, and Mechanics’ Hall for a celebration of Maine winter through poetry.

 The poems in Mike Bove’s newest collection, EYE, were written over the course of a nor’easter that buried Southern Maine in heavy snow. Meditations on memory, grief, family, and nature, they reveal the power of icy weather to inspire reflection and exploration.

 Part poetry reading, part conversation, this event will feature Mike in poetic discussion with six acclaimed Maine poets, joining together in warm, wintry community.

Please RSVP for this free event by clicking on the button below.

Mike Bove is the author of four books of poems, most recently Soundtrack to Your Next Panic Attack (forthcoming from Aldrich Press, 2024) and EYE (Spuyten Duyvil 2023). His work has appeared in journals in the US, UK, and Canada. He was winner of the 2021 Maine Postmark Poetry Contest and a 2023 finalist for a Maine Literary Award in poetry. He is Professor of English at Southern Maine Community College and lives with his family in Portland, Maine where he was born and raised.

Samaa Abdurraqib lives in Brunswick - ancestral land of the Abenaki people. Recently, her work can be found in Obsidian: Literature and Arts in the African Diaspora, Writing the Land: Streamlines, and Cider Press Review. She was a finalist for the 2022 Maine Writers & Publisher’s Alliance Maine Chapbook Series. She is the editor of the collection From Root to Seed: Black, Brown, and Indigenous Poets Write the Northeast.

Ken Craft ‘s poems have appeared in The Writer's Almanac, Spillway, Pirene's Fountain, Pedestal Magazine, and numerous other journals and e-zines. He is the author of three poetry collections, most recently Reincarnation & Other Stimulants (Kelsay Books, 2021).

Judy Kaber is the author of three chapbooks, most recently “A Pandemic Alphabet.” Her poems have appeared in journals such as The Worcester Review, Hunger Mountain, Poet Lore, and Spillway, as well as many other places. Recently, her poem, “Sword Swallowing Lessons,” was featured on “The Slowdown” and was read by Major Jackson. Judy won the 2023 Maine Poetry Contest. She is a past poet laureate of Belfast, Maine (2021-2023).

Jefferson Navicky is the author of four books, most recently the novel-in-prose-poems, Head of Island Beautification for the Rural Outlands (2023), as well as Antique Densities: Modern Parables & Other Experiments in Short Prose (2021), which won the 2022 Maine Literary Book Award for Poetry. He is the archivist for the Maine Women Writers Collection.

Betsy Sholl’s tenth collection of poetry is As If a Song Could Save You (University of Wisconsin Press in fall of 2022). Her ninth collection of poetry is House of Sparrows: New and Selected Poems (University of Wisconsin, 2019), winner of the Four Lakes Prize. Other awards include a Maine Book Award for Poetry, The Felix Pollak Prize, the AWP Prize for Poetry. She teaches in the MFA in Writing Program of Vermont College of Fine Arts and served as Poet Laureate of Maine from 2006 to 2011. She was awarded the 2020 Distinguished Achievement Award from Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance.

David Stankiewicz is the author of two poetry collections: My First Beatrice (Moon Pie Press, 2013) and Night Garden (Deerbrook Editions, 2024). A graduate of the University of Southern Maine Stonecoast MFA program, David is a professor of English at Southern Maine Community College. He lives in Cape Elizabeth with his family.

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