The Ashley Bryan Fellowships

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In honor of award-winning writer and artist Ashley Bryan’s life, the MWPA is pleased to offer the Ashley Bryan Fellowships, which support emerging Maine writers who are Black, people of color, and/or members of one of the Wabanaki Nations or other Native peoples. Bryan Fellows receive free membership, workshops and other support—you will find full guidelines, application details, and backgound info below. In collaboration with all of the 2021 Ashley Bryan Fellows, Coco McCracken writes the following about the fellowship:

Ashley Bryan Fellows are invited to hone their literary craft and build community in safe spaces, free from bigotry and white supremacism. Whether addressing these themes in our work or in conversation with one another, this Fellowship is designed to break down barriers that have impacted marginalized communities of color in Maine. We do so by honoring each other’s work, making space for authentic truth-telling, and calling one another in rather than calling out in order to repair harm when necessary. Through these means, we are building a network of mutual support to bolster each member’s creative and professional goals. Until our literary world provides equal access to opportunity for BIPOC writers, this group sees the Ashley Bryan Fellowship as an opportunity to build stronger connections and to acknowledge and celebrate literary ingenuity within our vibrant, multifaceted communities. 

“I love to celebrate the artistry of people around the world in whatever material or form they work” --Ashley Bryan

The Bryan Fellowships are open to applications from September 7 to October 15 and nominations from September 7 to October 9.

If you have any questions, please contact MWPA’s Samara Cole Doyon at

2024 Asley Bryan Fellows

2023 Ashley Bryan Fellows

2022 Ashley Bryan Fellows

2021 Ashley Bryan Fellows

General Guidelines

Fine Print


History + Background of the Ashley Bryan Fellowship


If you would like to honor Ashley Bryan and support Maine writers who are BIPOC, please make a tax-deductible donation by clicking the button below and note that you wish to support the Bryan Fellowship.
