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An Evening with Three Poets: Éireann Lorsung, Monica Ong, & Timothy Otte


Please join Longfellow Books and the Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance for an evening with Éireann Lorsung, Monica Ong, & Timothy Otte .

The authors will be discussing Éireann Lorsung's new work, The Century. Named a “Most Anticipated Book of 2020” by Literary Hub, this collection joins a rich tradition of witness poetry and moves it forward in bold, necessary strokes. Using experimental forms that resist linear time and structure, Lorsung confronts the greatest atrocities of the twentieth century, reckoning with the everday acts of violence that culminate in—and uphold—genocide, nuclear war, and cultures of white supremacy. It's a significant collection, one that speaks to our current moment through a historical lens, and challenges its readers to wrestle with legacies of violence.

To RSVP for this free event and receive a link to the event on Zoom, please go here.

Please visit Longfellow Books to order copies.


Éireann Lorsung is the author of two previous collections of poems: Her book and Music for Landing Planes By, which was named a New and Noteworthy collection by Poets & Writers, and The Century, forthcoming in October 2020. She received a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship in 2016. Since completing an MFA at the University of Minnesota, Lorsung has studied printmaking and drawing at Scuola Internazionale di Grafica in Venice and taught high school in rural France. While living in Belgium, she ran a micropress called MIEL Books and a residency space called Dickinson House for writers and artists.


Monica Ong is a visual poet, merging words with art and objects, and her book Silent Anatomies was selected by U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo for the Kore Press First Book Award in Poetry.


Timothy Otte is the author of the chapbook Rebound, Restart, Renew, Rebuild, Rejoice (Lithic Press, 2019). His poems have appeared in Denver Quarterly, Sixth Finch, Reservoir, SAND Journal, Bat City Review, and Structo, among others. His criticism has appeared in LitHub, Orion, Colorado Review online, the Chicago Review of Books, and the Poetry Project Newsletter. Otte's work has been supported by grants and fellowships from the Loft Literary Center Mentor Series, the Poetry Foundation's Poetry Incubator organized by Crescendo Literary, and the Minnesota State Arts Board.