Longfellow Books

What’s the origin of your tag line, “Fiercely independent”?
I’d say a response to the challenges for independent bookstores, and independent retailers in general, in the early 2000s. The internet, large chain retailers, etc, all combined to make for a pretty frightening and challenging time for indies. Longfellow Books stood up not just for bookstores, but was an early participant in the Buy Local movement here in Portland. “Fiercely” was a means of calling out how important it is to support local businesses.

You feature a list of your 25 bestselling books each week. Is there anything currently on it that surprises you? Are there any books that haven’t yet made it on the list that you think have been unfairly overlooked?

Atlas Obscura, Joshua Foer
Your are Having a Good Time, Amie Barrodale

You’re known for being a hub for readings in Portland over the years. When you look back, which ones particularly stand out?
It’s pretty hard to pinpoint a few, but among the highlights that stand out (each for their own reasons):

Zadie Smith—White Teeth
Crash Berry—Marijuana Valley
Terry Tempest Williams—When Women Were Brides
Hampton Sides—In the Kingdom of Ice
Phil Hoose—Perfect Once Removed
Monica Wood—all of them!

Longfellow Books
1 Monument Way, Portland
207. 772.4045