Moon Pie Press

Moon Pie Press of Westbrook has been publishing poetry books for 20 years. Their catalog has 123 books, several of which have won awards.  Many Maine poets have been published, and also poets from all over the U.S. 

Editor and Publisher Alice Persons says that she has no plans to stop.


What do you look for in a manuscript?

I look for a cohesive collection of poems 40+ pages long, because I publish bound books, not stapled chapbooks. I would like there to be several poems that have been previously published, though this is not a hard and fast requirement.

How did you get your name?
The name was chosen because my co-founder and I had both have southern roots, and we liked the whimsical nature of the Moon Pie name. Moon pies (made in Tennessee) are not something many New Englanders are familiar with.

You often work with artists and graphic designers to create aesthetically pleasing book covers. What is Moon Pie Press' approach to designing an eye-catching book cover that also reflects the poet's words?

I really like the cover design aspect of publishing. I am always open to input from the poet as far as artwork or photography that is meaningful to the poet. I like an eye-catching cover with strong graphics and a lot of color.

What inspires you about living and working in Maine?

Maine is teeming with poets and writers of all kinds, artists and creative people. The land itself inspires so many.

Many of your poets have been featured in publications like The Maine Sunday Telegram's Deep Water column and have been awarded prizes like the Maine Poet Society's Award for Best Poem. Are there any achievements of which you're particularly proud?

Moon Pie Press poets have won many awards. I'm particularly proud of the Pushcart Prize Maine poet Tom Moore won for a poem from one of his Moon Pie Press books, and the fact that Moon Pie Press poems have been on The Writer's Almanac 27 times.

Is there an event, publication, or any kind of change happening in the next year that you are particularly excited about and would like to share?

In 2022 we plan to publish four books, as we did last year during the pandemic. In 2023 we will reach the 20 year mark of the press.

Moon Pie Press

16 Walton Street
Westbrook, ME 04092