A 5 Week Poetry Workshop
Thursdays, January 5th-February 2nd
A lot of good poems get lost in revision, never finding their way back. It’s true what we take apart doesn’t always get put back together, or at least put back together very well. It’s so personal, one’s poetry. I think revision has stayed such a perennial topic at lectures, discussions, panels, etc. because of how close we feel to our own work, how visceral the editing process can get. It’s a little stickier with poetry, though, isn’t it? But why? Perhaps it’s because a poem is so often both a poem and a snapshot of its making. In that sense, there can be a lot of baggage to overcome, a lot of psychic energy that revision asks the poet to continually re-enter, re-capture, re-imagine. It’s not hard to become myopic — or at least frustratingly romantic — with some of our initial drafts. Let’s see what we can do about this, shall we?
Taking Ilya Kaminsky’s decade-long development of Deaf Republic as our jumping off point, we’ll explore various forms of radical revision — how it can liberate you, inspire you, and provide new perspectives on both your old work and your work to come. This generative workshop will consist of close readings, writing exercises, group dialogue, Sylvia Plath, and collaborative critique. Potential list of poets whose work may aid in our discussion include Martín Espada, Jenny Xie, Lynda Hull, Elizabeth Bishop, Rachel McKibbens, and Ada Limón, though this list will evolve as the group does.
+ PLEASE NOTE This workshop will occur online via Zoom. Students do not need to create an account to participate, but should test out Zoom before their class if they are first-time users. On Thursday, December 29th from 5:30pm to 6:00pm, MWPA staff will offer a tech help session on Zoom. Students are encouraged to attend the tech help session, which usually takes only 5-10 minutes, if they have any tech concerns, use Zoom infrequently, or simply would like to test their connection, and those who do not are responsible for ensuring that they are able to use Zoom on their own. The week of the workshop, students will be emailed a link that they may click to enter the test session and the class.
+ REQUIRED EQUIPMENT A reliable, fast internet connection (broadband wired or wireless (3G or 4G/LTE), speakers & a microphone (built-in or USB plug-in), and a webcam (built-in or USB plug-in).
If you would like to quickly and easily test your internet connection and your computer’s compatibility with Zoom, click HERE. Full details on supported Operating Systems, internet browsers, and more can be found HERE. To download and familiarize yourself with Zoom, click HERE.
Adam Grabowski is the author of the chapbook Go On Bewilderment (Attack Bear Press, 2020). His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in such journals as Ninth Letter, OVERSOUND, New Ohio Review, Plume, Sixth Finch, jubilat, Off the Coast, DMQ Review, Hobart, Rust + Moth, Exit 7, Bullets into Bells (online), past-ten, Night Coffee, Drunk in a Midnight Choir, The Naugatuck River Review, Radius, and elsewhere. A multiple Pushcart nominee and the recipient of a 2021 Parent-Writer Fellowship from the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing, Adam holds an MFA in Writing from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. He lives in Western Massachusetts where he is the associate managing editor of The Maine Review.
All MWPA workshops require advanced registration. We accept registration by phone, mail, and online via our website. We cannot guarantee registration in the final 24-hours before a workshop, and can rarely accommodate day-of registration.
If you need to withdraw from a class after registering for any reason, please email or call the MWPA immediately. You may be eligible for a partial refund or credit, depending on how far in advance you cancel. → MORE INFORMATION
For any questions regarding this workshop, please contact Meghan Sterling at programs@mainewriters.org.
Call 207-228-8263 and register with your VISA or MasterCard.
If you prefer to pay by mail, please print this registration form (downloadable PDF) and mail it to the MWPA with a check or credit card information.
The MWPA is proud to offer one partial scholarship to this workshop for members-only. Scholarships are awarded on a combination of need and merit. Email Meghan at programs@mainewriters.org to see if a scholarship is still available. Application Due on December 20th at 9:00 a.m.
Registration in any MWPA workshop, program, or event constitutes your agreement to our terms and conditions. → MORE INFORMATION